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Career Confidential
Camila Oliveira

Camila Oliveira

I think what surprises people most is that I’m not as stressed about work as they are. That’s because we have a supportive team.

What is your full title and how long have you been in your current position?

I’ve been an investor services senior associate since February 2022.

Give us a little insight into your role and what you do.

A big part of my role involves investor correspondence. I prepare statements, reports, and letters with data we receive from other teams and once it’s reviewed and approved, upload it to the portal, CSC ViewPointTM, for investors to retrieve. I also perform AML (anti-money laundering) and KYC (know your client) reviews, analyzing investor documents to make sure they’re compliant with laws and guidelines. Internally, it’s my responsibility to help update procedures when needed, to train and oversee associate members of the team, and to test the portal when there are IT updates.

Why did you choose to work for CSC?

I was part of PEF Services LLC, which was acquired by CSC in 2021. I came to PEF Services LLC first as a temp when the investor services team needed help while transitioning from an old investor portal to ViewPoint. After a few months I left for another company. Andrea, my supervisor, called me and asked if I would like to come back. I accepted because I really liked the team, and I realized the culture fit my personality much better. I started in 2019 as investor services associate (with PEF Services LLC), was promoted to investor services associate II in 2020, and started my current role this year.

What has your career growth been like at CSC?

The career path at CSC is more structured than I’ve experienced before. We have clear yearly goals to achieve and that includes training related to our area of work, and skills we need to develop. It’s much easier to see where I’m going and how to get there.

Before joining PEF Services LLC, I had never worked in an investor services role, so I owe a big thank you to my supervisor, Andrea. She was patient while training and teaching me all I needed to know to do my job. Jolanta and Chay are also sources of inspiration, they’re great leadership models. They demonstrate that they care about us individually and as a team.

What makes your team different?

Our team has always been very small, especially considering that we service all other fund services teams as well as external clients. Until May, we were just three people, now we’re five. I believe the only way we can accomplish all that we do is because we care about each other, about delivering high quality service, and that we communicate well as a team.

What do you love most about the culture here?

We have good, open lines of communication. We have regular meetings, and our directors keep us updated not only on matters that affect our team but about the company, too. We know what to expect. It makes me feel included and well informed. I appreciate that questions and suggestions are always welcome. It’s nice to know people will listen and support you.

What gets you excited to come to work in the morning?

Our team. Even on a day I’m not in a good mood and nothing seems to be going well, I know we can count on each other to get everything done and to lift each other up.

What’s the most interesting thing about the work you do?

When I first started with the organization, I was surprised at all the work that goes on behind the scenes so that an investor can log in to the portal, click a button and see their statements. From the outside it may seem quite simple, but there are many moving pieces to make that happen flawlessly.

What are you learning now and why is it important?

A lot has changed this year, and I’m developing more managerial skills. I’ve joined more projects than before and it requires time management, adaptability, and communicating with people at various levels. I had the opportunity to train new employees on investor services procedures, which was new for me. Additionally, this year my development plan includes leadership classes. All of this is important to prepare me for new responsibilities I may take on in the future. As CSC grows, there will be opportunities for me to grow as well.

When you tell people about your job what surprises them?

I think what surprises them most is that I’m not as stressed about work as they are. That’s because we have a supportive team. In my position, I don’t have to work long hours as often as most of them do.

What is the working environment like? How do teams work together?

The work environment is very friendly. I’ve never met anyone in the company who is unkind. Our team is small and we’re very tight knit, but we interact with people from other teams as well. Everyone is cooperative and polite. We know our deliverables usually come with tight deadlines dictated by clients, and that we must work together to deliver on time with accuracy.

What is the work-life balance like? Are you supported in pursuing interests outside work?

We do our best to keep a good work-life balance. Of course, when it’s reporting season, we know that means late nights, but we plan for it. When it isn’t busy, Jolanta, our director, always encourages us to leave work on time. If she sees we’re working late, she asks if we need help.

Do your outside interests tie into your work at CSC?

I do martial arts, such as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Krav Maga, and Muay Thai. I believe it ties into my work because it helps me stay focused, to not give up just because something is hard, and to problem solve. On our last team building activities week, I taught a Krav Maga lesson to my team members, and it was really fun. They’re fierce ladies!

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