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Career Confidential
Christophe Guyot

Christophe Guyot

We also have an inclusive, supportive, and multicultural environment with multilingual colleagues so we can interact with a larger client base.

What is your full title and how long have you been in this position?

I’m a strategic account manager and I’ve had this position for about two months. I’ve been with CSC for almost two years and I work in the Sophia Antipolis office in France.

What’s your typical day like?

The first thing I do is to check my emails, as well as the news around domain names and cybersecurity. Then I try to prioritize what seems urgent, which clients need advice and on which topic, what meetings I have, and who I need to speak with to get my work done. I love helping my customers. It’s really satisfying, especially when you get praise or just a thank-you note.

What kind of new things are you learning through your job?

When I started my client service partner job, the domain name and the brand protection business was all new to me. I’ve learned things on the technical side about DNS configuration and other technical matters. On the administrative side, I’ve learned how domain names interact with registries, which are located all around the world, with each country having different rules. I like the challenge because some countries are more difficult to do business with because of their rules.

How did you end up at CSC?

I found the job on LinkedIn and started as a client service partner. I did that for a while and my leader recommended a strategic account manager position as a good opportunity for me. I always want to evolve in my job, and I’m looking forward to growing my career with CSC. I see myself in the management side, leading a team in the future.

What surprises people when you tell them about your job?

I have difficulty explaining what I do because it’s so technical. It’s not like telling people you’re a chef. I’m based in France and they’re always amazed that I work for a U.S. company based in Wilmington, Delaware. I tell people I work with CAC40 companies, which is like the S&P 500. People are impressed with that. I also work in brand protection and tell people I’m involved with cybersecurity. Some people think being in brand protection means you’re a lawyer, but there are so many roles behind the scenes.

Do you get a lot of support from your team?

Everyone is very helpful and eager to answer questions. I once had a client who needed their issue resolved quickly. I used Microsoft Teams to reach out to colleagues to get the client the help they needed, and the people answered very quickly and the client was happy with the result.

How is the work-life balance at CSC?

When I turn off my computer on Friday, I can do what I want to do. At CSC, it’s easy to take holidays and time off. I like to hike in the mountains, and I have plenty of time to disconnect from work and do that.

What would you tell someone who would like to work at CSC?

CSC is a great place to work if they want to learn new things every day and work with major brands and their clients. We also have an inclusive, supportive, and multicultural environment with multilingual colleagues so we can interact with a larger client base.

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