Everything we do—the filings with different states, the costs, and rules—plays a critical part in helping other businesses succeed.
What's your full title and how long have you been with CSC?
I’m a customer service representative with incorporate.com in Wilmington and I started back in October 2022. This is my first full-time job. I graduated from Auburn University in May 2022.
Give us a little insight into your role.
I help process orders and filings with the state. We help people form companies, close companies, pay franchise taxes, take payments, and answer whatever questions they have. I have clients from all over the U.S. and some overseas, as well.
How did you end up at CSC?
I knew a lot of people who've worked at CSC as interns or full-time employees. One of my really good friends was a customer service associate on the Projects Team. I reached out to her and asked what CSC was like and if I should apply. She said she really enjoyed it, so I decided to apply and see what happened.
What’s career growth like at CSC?
It’s a great place to explore your career path and figure out what you want to do. I see so many people moving up into new positions throughout different departments, which I really like. There's a lot of growth opportunities in the company. You can reach out to your leader because they have great connections with other managers who can help get your name out there. You can ask questions or shadow someone to see what their day to day is like.
I was nervous about finding my first job because I didn’t have experience in a corporate position. But CSC has definitely given me support, opportunities, and room to figure out what my path will be.
What’s your team like?
Everyone's very nice and friendly. If you have a question, someone is there to answer it and help you. You’re never stuck. Everyone’s really supportive and the team meshes well together.
My leaders have been very helpful and have always been there for me. In one-on-one meetings, they listen to how I’m feeling and how I’m doing. My one co-worker mentored me when I first started, and I learned a lot from him. I’m still learning something new every day.
Other than the people, what do you like most about working here?
I really like the environment at CSC—it’s very welcoming. I’m very comfortable here and enjoy having a hybrid job; it’s very flexible. If you have an emergency or anything comes up, our leaders are very understanding about letting you work from home. I really enjoy coming into the office. Even though I have a hybrid schedule, I come into the office pretty much every day. I enjoy coming in and seeing my co-workers and catching up with them. Our team works really well together. Throughout the day, everyone’s talking to different clients and working on something, so it’s nice when there’s a break in the day to talk to everyone.
What's the most interesting thing about what you're doing?
Learning how a company is managed and the process it takes to form it with the state. I never knew how much goes into forming a corporation, LLC, or nonprofit. Everything we do—the filings with different states, the costs, and rules—plays a critical part in helping other businesses succeed.
What’s something that surprises people about what you do?
The fact that people call in and I help them form companies. I enter all the information for them in our system and prepare documents to send over to our customer service associates to be submitted to the state. They’re really surprised when they hear about some of the bigger companies that CSC helps manage.
Have we piqued your interest? Consider joining us.
CSC offers exciting, career-building opportunities that allow our people to drive their career in the direction of their choice. A multi-time Top Workplace, we're a business, legal, and financial services company that provides knowledge-based solutions to clients worldwide. We're also the trusted partner of choice for more than 90% of the Fortune 500®, more than 90% of the 100 Best Global Brands®, and more than 70% of the PEI 300.
From our headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware across offices in Europe, the Americas, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East, CSC prides itself on a record of growth and stability. We've been privately held and professionally managed for more than 120 years.
We are the business behind business®. With us, you'll provide world-class client service while growing your career.
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