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Success Story - Tiptree Inc.

Taking Tax Back!


External vendors involved in all of our tax processes left us with high costs and limited control of our own tax function.

Year-end provision:

  • Close process took 3 weeks to complete
  • Calculations relied on trial balances from multiple ledger systems, dozens of internally/externally managed Excel files, and an entirely manual process to consolidate and prepare footnotes
  • Number of parties involved and the manual process exposed us to serious data integrity risks


  • Federal and state tax return preparation was fully outsourced at significant cost
    • Limited control over timing of return filing: many returns filed close to deadlines, leaving little time for review
    • Difficult to provide audit support without additional cost and coordination as ledger mapping and supporting schedules resided with external vendors


CSC Corptax® Professional Services helped us rapidly implement CSC Corptax® Compliance, Provision, and Office for insurance. With all tax data in one place, we seamlessly consolidate for the provision, fully control federal return preparation, and instantly access our tax data.

  • Using Corptax Office, adjustment workpapers are standardized and cleanly calculate and push adjustments into Corptax from the trial balance
  • Corptax Compliance combines all subsidiary inputs and deferreds into a consolidated group with consistent presentation of the return across the entire company
  • Ability to view RTP in real time because provision and compliance data is all in one place
  • Can utilize all provision calculations and copy them over to tax returns in an instant
  • International calculations streamlined and organized


Now, we control provision and compliance in-house using the highly scalable and cost-efficient Corptax platform.

  • $700,000 annual reduction in outsource fees after software costs
  • 1 full week saved on the close process
  • 4-month early filing of mixed group return, accelerating refund claims
  • One team (us!) manages all of our tax data for faster modelling and footnote preparation and reduced data risks
  • Full detail and insight into how our returns are prepared allow for ownership and ease of audit support