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April 30, 2007


Laura Crozier
(302) 636-5400 x65526
CSC Press Releases

Report also notes that while trademark filings in 2008 fell for the first time in four years as a result of the economic downturn, brand owners still filed for the second highest number of trademarks in over a decade.

Corporation Service Company (CSC®), the leading corporate name management and brand protection company, today announced the launch of the industry's first risk management software, Domain BaselineSM. This patent-pending software employs risk management techniques to help brand owners' make decisions regarding which domain names to register in order to best protect their brands.

The domain name industry is growing in complexity. Today there are over 700 domain extensions, and more domain extensions are launched every year. According to, there are now over one billion Internet users. Plus, emerging markets such as China have experienced a 508% increase in Internet users over the last seven years.

The boom in Internet use has also led to an increase of infringers, who have become more clever. A recent study conducted by CSC of 30 major brands (that accounted for 65,000 domain registrations), found that over 75% of the domain name registrations that referenced the brand name were registered to third-parties. The research also revealed that 90% of the domain names that were registered to third-parties used a prefix or a suffix with the brand name such as "www" or "my."

"Domain Baseline is the first service of its kind in the domain name industry," said Kanchan Mhatre, Vice President with CSC. "We worked very closely with many of our clients to understand how they managed the risk associated with brand management."

Domain BaselineSM ranks domain names that match a given brand by the likelihood or risk of infringement in each domain extension using market, demographic and industry data. Through Domain Baseline, the brand owner can reconcile this information against a budget and, based on their risk tolerance, can decide their course of action for renewing, registering or allowing the lapse of particular domain names.

"With our expertise in this industry, CSC has been able to deliver a solution that will change the way companies register their domain names in the future," Mhatre continues.

About CSC

Corporation Service Company®(CSC®), a privately held business and legal services organization, provides matter management, corporate compliance, and trustee services for companies and law firms worldwide; digital brand services for top global brands; and due diligence and transactional services for the world's largest financial institutions. Founded in 1899, CSC has more than 2,000 employees throughout North America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. Learn more at