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Transform Global Payroll with CSC

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Managing global payroll operations is complex. Regulations are constantly changing and vary from country to country, making it challenging to master evolving regional and jurisdiction rules and requirements. Additionally, organizations that lack modern payroll technology or that are using disparate global providers are missing an enormous opportunity for their teams to streamline workflows, increase transparency, and simplify operations.

As a result, multinational organizations need a global provider that understands managing payroll in an ever-changing compliance environment with the right blend of experience, service, and technology. CSC offers a truly global solution for payroll management. Join us for a webinar about CSCā€™s expanding global solutions.

Webinar transcript

Disclaimer: Please be advised that this recorded webinar has been edited from its original format, which may have included a product demo. To set up a live demo or to request more information, please complete the form to the right. Or if you are currently not on CSC Global, there is a link to the website in the description of this video. Thank you.

Caitlin: Hello, everyone, and welcome to today's webinar, "Transform Global Payroll with CSC." My name is Caitlin Alaburda, and I will be your moderator.

Joining us today are Edwin Rijbroek and Jonathan Scrocchi. Edwin is the Global Head of Client Payroll based in Amsterdam. For about half of his 22-year tenure in the financial industry Edwin has been supporting international corporate clients in navigating the complexities of setting up operations in the Netherlands and other European countries. Over the past five years, he's dedicated his focus on the payroll side of international business and is actively involved in setting up and maintaining multi-country payrolls for clients with employees dispersed across various jurisdictions. Jonathan is a global subsidiary management GSM sales engineer for CSC. In this role, he's responsible for supporting clients and prospects throughout the service evaluation process, explaining CSC GSM scope of services, the added value for clients, and how the service delivery framework fits into resolving corporate services' challenges and needs.

And with that, let's welcome Edwin and Jonathan.

Jonathan: Hi, Caitlin. Thank you very much for the introduction for today's webinar. I also want to thank our audience today for their time and interest in exploring what our payroll service offering is all about.

So today's agenda consists of us talking a little bit about who CSC is, what the industry landscape is currently, the challenges of managing global payroll, and then explaining in detail what the CSC Global Payroll services entail. And we will then wrap up with showing a snapshot of our technology platform, which we encourage all the audience to then reach out to us to schedule a live demo in which we will be able to walk you through the platform in full detail. At the end, we'll open it up for questions and answers. For anybody who wants to ask a question, we'll be able to provide the answers.

Before we jump into today's topic of presenting our payroll offering, I would like to briefly shed light on to who CSC is. So we like to say that CSC is the business behind business. Currently, CSC is the largest corporate service provider in the industry. After the acquisition of Intertrust Group in November of 2022, the company was able to expand its footprint, and through that we're currently being able to service more than or about 90% of the Fortune 500 companies, a vast number of internationally headquartered companies as well as private equity firms and a number of law firms. Together, combined we provide more than 200 years of experience in providing world-class service in rendering corporate secretarial services across the globe.

With that said, Edwin, could you shed some light as to the challenges that multinationals face when having to execute payroll in multiple jurisdictions for their employee base, how this comes into play when they have to evaluate also a potential service provider?

Edwin: Hi, Jonathan. Yeah, sure. Let's go to the next slide, and then I will explain a bit how that works.

So here you see a few of the challenges that multinationals face when they have to manage their global payroll. With adding new countries, you will have a new legal framework, new regulations you need to take into consideration. You have deadlines you need to be aware of as well. So it's quite complex when you move into new countries and especially when you have multiple countries to take care of. So we are not saying that you should not expand to other countries, but be aware of this and make sure you have a good partner that has experience in those countries, that can streamline your monthly payroll process, and when you are faced with a problem, that they are there for you to help.

Jonathan: Now taking into account the existing challenges that multinationals face when fulfilling payroll on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis, let's take a closer look of what the CSC Payroll offering provides. Edwin, maybe you can walk us through the framework and what it is that we can provide as a solution for our clients.

Edwin: Sure, Jonathan. So here you see our service delivery model, and that's about coordinated payable services. That includes a single GSM service agreement, an assignment of a Global Payroll manager being your single point of contact, and the Global Payroll platform access.

We will give the client access to the Global Payroll platform, and through the platform, the client can communicate with the local vendors and exchange safely and securely the information. Further, the Global Payroll platform has a workflow tool, so the client can see any time of day how the local payroll is progressing in each of the jurisdictions, which one is due, which one is overdue, so the client can decide where to take action and how to help to meet the deadlines.

And lastly, when all their global payrolls are done, the Global Payroll platform has a very strong reporting tool. So they prepare consolidated reports, but they can also show the client, for example, how much gross salary was paid in a specific country, or what the amount of commissions that were paid in a continent or for a specific company.

Then the client will be assigned a Global Payroll manager. That's a single point of contact for the client. So the client can reach out to this person for any questions they have about each of the countries. For example, what happens if somebody goes on maternity leave in the Netherlands? What kind of allowances is this employee entitled to? What kind of forms need to be completed, etc.? All those type of questions can be addressed to the Global Payroll manager.

But also, when the client receives letters or notices from local authorities or from the tax authorities in a language they cannot understand, they can send it to the Global Payroll manager and the Global Payroll manager will coordinate with the local offices and then come up with a solution for this question or an answer to the question.

Lastly, the clients can be engaged through a single GSM service agreement, meaning that they only need to sign one single agreement, and there is no need to have an agreement for each jurisdiction. This way we can streamline the legal process for this client as well the legal framework. So that is what we mean with coordinated payroll services, single point of contact, access to the Global Payroll platform, and a single service agreement.

And with this single service agreement, CSC can engage in all the green marked countries you see on this map. That is 99 countries across the world, in all continents.

Jonathan: So taking it a step further, Edwin, when we have these types of discussions with our clients and they decide to explore further what our offering will look like from a pricing standpoint, what is it that they can expect to receive when they review our proposal?

Edwin: Yeah, sure. So obviously they have like the standard local payroll processing costs. But on top of that, we have our Payroll platform.

So when you sign up, we have the Standard Package, what we call the operations control and reporting module. So that includes the workflow tool and the secured collaboration we talked about earlier, as well as the consolidated reporting. In this Standard Package, you also have the key performance indicator dashboard that gives you a bit of an idea on how many payrolls have been processed in a specific month or period, what the top first time right percentage was, and that kind of information. So it kind of measures how the local providers are performing.

On top of that, we have additional packages or specialized packages as we call it. That is an employee portal, which gives the employee access to their pay slips and year-end forms. That comes at an additional price. The pay slips are in the template that the employees are very common to because it is the template we receive from the local vendors. Through this portal, the employee can log in to this portal and can download those pay slips anytime they like.

Further, we have Accounting Connect. That is a tool, an integration with the accounting systems of the client. So it can generate a journal entry for the accounting systems.

And then we have the HR Connect. The HR Connect streamlines the process of gathering information each month for the local countries. The client can make downloads from their HR information system, from their time in attendance system, and, for example, they receive a file from their sales department with all the commissions to be paid. The client can upload all those three files into the platform, and then the platform filters per country the information that is relevant for that specific country. So it saves the client a lot of time in gathering specific templates and specific information packages for the local countries. On top of that, the HR Connect also validates whether the inputs that is in those files is accurate and correct and complete. So it will help the client to streamline this data gathering phase of the monthly process.